Frequently Asked Questions

If you are curious about any particular facet of this site, or the subject of U;nee, you will probably find the answer here. While some of these may not be questions anyone has, or likely would, ask, I still feel the urge to express these thoughts, as they don’t quite fit anywhere else in the site structure.c_20070121_43569_63327

Q: Why does this site even exist?
A: Why does any fan website exist? For the sake of it, but that really isn’t an answer. The short answer is because I feel the site needed to exist for some time now and really is long overdue. While there are fan sites out there for U;nee, most have not been updated for many many years, and while much information has been lost to time, a combination of better online translation tools, better overall internet capabilities these days, the internet archive itself and, most importantly, Korean media sites uploading media which includes her, now is in some ways one of the best times for someone outside of Korea to set up a site. With the 10th anniversary of her death coming up, I feel the timing is perfect for everyone who would need a site like this.

Q: What’s the deal with the site name?
A: The name is based off of the URL used for the Daum for her first album: While that page still exists, it looks to be devoid of content save for some spam posts and a bit of random chit-chat. Using that name for a URL was appropriate to me since her fans, even a decade after her death, still care as greatly as they did when she was alive, while simultaneously it indicates my desire for the site to stay available for as long as possible for both current and future fans to learn about her.

Q: If this is a site for English speaking people, why is there so much Korean?
A: This is done for multiple reasons. For one, it is the language of virtually all things related to U;nee – She was, of course Korean. Secondly, it serves as an accurate translation base for any people who wish to support the site by providing accurate translations of content. Third, it preserves the context of the media, and translations will be provided where applicable to the original Korean content.

Q: Where can I download her albums / videos / movies?
A: Not here. This is not a place for such. While I do link to YouTube videos of her work where applicable, these are provided as a courtesy to site readers when they are found. Direct download links will not be provided. Her albums are still available for purchase if you know where to look, but one is quite expensive…