We’re Back

It’s been quite a few years since I started this website. My original plan was to have this website filled with content by January 21st, 2017. That obviously didn’t happen, and it sat in a dormant state for several years following that.

During that time I changed hosts for the site and, in doing so, removed what content there was, basically leaving it as a “coming soon” page for probably the past year.

Today I finally spent some time restoring what the site originally was on the new hosting platform. There’s still a ton of work to be done, but things are back in operation.

Why the sudden urge to finally work on the site again? The answer is, surprisingly, a comment on my main website with regard to a U;nee article I wrote. It was a person from Italy who is also a U;nee fan who was happy I had written the article and was wondering when I’d get the site going — they thought the idea of an English language U;nee site was a good one.

That was kind of all it took — just that one comment reminding me that people actually do want such a site, to make me decide to finally get back to it. I had time today, after all, so a couple of hours off and on tweaking things here, adding files there, and updating everything to at least restore the site to what it was felt like a good thing to do.

With that said I’ll hopefully get things to where they should have been. I hope I can get more things added to the site soon. I’d really like to finally make this site something great.


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