Update – 2020-03-01

I might as well start off updates on the day I’ve finally brought this site back to some kind of operational status. Today was a straightforward day of, first off just getting the site running again. The second part has been testing a basic bit extra info in the form of adding pages for each song — right now they just contain a video link of the song and lyrics, but I’ve got ideas in the future for how to expand upon them — separate pages for lyrics in Korean and English (and other languages if people want to translate) and any other information which may be important. We’ll see where it all goes.

Right now things are looking good as a base — I think I can work with and evolve the current site as need arises. Now I have the issue of actually filling it with content, not just in the form of media (photos, gifs, what have you) but also lesser known details, links to television appearances, etc, and whatever else I can find of relevance.

I’ll need some help with this, but I can be patient on that. This site has been delayed for far too long and now’s as good at time as ever to finally make something happen with it.

More to come, as always.

One thought on “Update – 2020-03-01”

  1. Hi, I am korean and I have known U;nee since I was in elementary school. (Now, I am 27)
    I still remember that I used to watch her perform in the music shows and variety shows on TV.
    I was not a fan of hers, because I didn’t have much interest in entertainers at that time. (Just liked watching TV)
    I recently watched her performance videos on Youtube, and I realized how professional she was. Her singing and dancing were fantastic and even her image was gorgeous.
    I heard from some people that she used be a warm hearted person and always cared about her fans.
    It’s such a tragedy that we can’t see her anymore.
    Today I found out this website and I was deeply touched by your devotion to her.
    I hope she is feeling beloved by this website.
    Even if I haven’t met you, I believe that you are such a nice person and most of all, a wonderful fan of U;nee.
    God bless!

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