

Welcome to U;nee Love Forever.

U;nee Love Forever is a fansite that is attempting to collect all the information possible about theKorean actress and singer U;nee who tragically committed suicide on January 21st, 2007. Heavily focused on English speaking fans a key goal is to in the future translate television shows, interviews, song lyrics, Korean fan posts, and more, to give a more broad and detailed picture not only on U;nee herself but her fans, media she participated in and media discussion of her

Here you will find as detailed information as can be produced on her story, her music, her life, and her tragic death. While the site focuses on celebrating her life, the details of her death cannot be ignored in relation, and they bring up many questions that will forever remain unanswered. Her story is a reminder of the dangers of depression, the media spotlight, and the darker side of some people on the internet.

The information provided here is as accurate as I can possibly make it with the limited information available. Some elements will be personal opinion, some elements are unknown, and some have conflicting reports, but the focus on accuracy will never waver.

This site is still under heavy work, but will continue to be updated as time and new information permits. Follow the Blog to keep up to date.

Use the links at the top of the site to find out more information.

The best place to start is right here.

Enjoy your stay.