
Update – 2020-03-01

I might as well start off updates on the day I’ve finally brought this site back to some kind of operational status. Today was a straightforward day of, first off just getting the site running again. The second part has been testing a basic bit extra info in the form of adding pages for each song — right now they just contain a video link of the song and lyrics, but I’ve got ideas in the future for how to expand upon them — separate pages for lyrics in Korean and English (and other languages if people want to translate) and any other information which may be important. We’ll see where it all goes.

Right now things are looking good as a base — I think I can work with and evolve the current site as need arises. Now I have the issue of actually filling it with content, not just in the form of media (photos, gifs, what have you) but also lesser known details, links to television appearances, etc, and whatever else I can find of relevance.

I’ll need some help with this, but I can be patient on that. This site has been delayed for far too long and now’s as good at time as ever to finally make something happen with it.

More to come, as always.

We’re Back

It’s been quite a few years since I started this website. My original plan was to have this website filled with content by January 21st, 2017. That obviously didn’t happen, and it sat in a dormant state for several years following that.

During that time I changed hosts for the site and, in doing so, removed what content there was, basically leaving it as a “coming soon” page for probably the past year.

Today I finally spent some time restoring what the site originally was on the new hosting platform. There’s still a ton of work to be done, but things are back in operation.

Why the sudden urge to finally work on the site again? The answer is, surprisingly, a comment on my main website with regard to a U;nee article I wrote. It was a person from Italy who is also a U;nee fan who was happy I had written the article and was wondering when I’d get the site going — they thought the idea of an English language U;nee site was a good one.

That was kind of all it took — just that one comment reminding me that people actually do want such a site, to make me decide to finally get back to it. I had time today, after all, so a couple of hours off and on tweaking things here, adding files there, and updating everything to at least restore the site to what it was felt like a good thing to do.

With that said I’ll hopefully get things to where they should have been. I hope I can get more things added to the site soon. I’d really like to finally make this site something great.

A Long Time Without Updates

Hello everyone!

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates to the site. I’ve been unusually busy and haven’t had time to really sit down and add content. It’s a more intricate process than you may initially think, so it would take me more than a few minutes each day to even get one page running the way I would want it, let alone add it in to the main page setup as is. There just isn’t enough constant time between everything else. Perhaps I have taken on too much with this site but I also know once I get content done, well, that’s it – I won’t have to update it anymore, so, there’s that at least…

I feel bad that I have failed to even get the core albums and information up. I may try in the upcoming week to finish off at least her 1st album, and work my way into other things.

The original plan was to have this site complete by her death day, and certainly I would like to have it more fleshed out by her birthday in May. Hopefully, I can at least get more done towards that goal soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello and Welcome

Hello! If you are reading this, then you, like me, probably have an interest in the 2000’s Korean pop singer and actress U;Nee.

This site was started in August, 2016, with a planned launch early January 2017. Events delayed this, sadly, and the site was made publicly accessible today, January 20th, 2017, in a still unfinished state.

I’m hoping to get much done tonight, and in the upcoming weeks. I don’t have much to say right now, more to come later.

In any case, click around and enjoy what we have so far!